How to Boost Self-esteem
Self-esteem and counselling
Self-esteem is about the values I find in me; it's about a relationship with myself.
It is related to the importance of success and failure given by me, my internal and external motivation, my body image, beliefs, culture, and other factors. Self-esteem forms over time and it mirrors beliefs of others that I personalize. Attributions or reasons I give for successes or failures influences further success or failure at other tasks. Feeling good about self opens the gate to success and satisfaction. Examining attributions helps to determine the underlying beliefs that block the healthy self-esteem and body image.
Following self-check might suggest that few sessions will help you to unbind blockages that keep your ongoing self-sabotaging actions:
I miss supportive and encouraging environment
I don’t have impact on factors that contribute to my success
I can’t change factors that contribute my failure
I fear of failure
I am worthless
I am not good enough
I don’t feel pride in myself
I am not motivated enough
I don’t have internal motivation
I don’t like my body
Nothing that I do really matters
I feel insecure and lost
Everything that happens to me comes from some source that I don’t have control over